Susan Kimber

University of Manchester
Sue Kimber is Professor of Stem Cells and Development at the University of Manchester, UK, Director of the MRC/EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Regenerative Medicine and was Co-Director of the North West Embryonic Stem Cell Centre (NWESCC). Following training in the University of Cambridge she has over 30 years experience in cell and developmental biology and 16 years experience in regenerative medicine, disease modelling and tissue engineering with >170 publications. Her lab have derived more nearly 50 human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines both from healthy individuals and those with disease conditions caused by mutations affecting the skeleton, kidney, nervous system and vasculature. They have developed and applied different 2D and 3D protocols to human embryonic stem cell and hiPSC, differentiating them to these tissues for understanding human development and for modelling genetic, often rare, diseases with a view to finding new drug targets. She has participated in two UKRI UK Regenerative Medicine Platform hubs (‘Stem Cell Niche’ and ‘Safety of Stem Cells’) and has supervised over 60 PhD students, as well as post docs and fellows. In 2019 she was awarded a Suffrage Science Award for her tissue engineering research by the Royal Society. Relevant external activities include Co-Chair of 2023 meeting of European chapter of TERMIS; Founder and Co-Chair of Mercia Stem Cell Alliance to promote stem cell biology in the NW and Midland and several UKRI and research charity as well as European grant committees.