Stefan Nehrer

University for Continuing Education Krems
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Nehrer is an orthopaedic surgeon at Department for Orthopaedic Surgery at the university hospital in Krems, Professor for Tissue Engineering at Center for Regenerative Medi-cine, and since 2011 he is also Dean of Faculty Health and Medicine. Furthermore, he is head of De-partment Health Sciences, Medicine and Research since March 2013 at University for Continuing Education Krems.
He studied at the Medical University Vienna where he obtained his MD in 1984 and his PhD in 1999. From 1995 to 1996 he was at the Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA, at Prof. Myron Spector, where he started his scientific work in cell-based therapies in cartilage regeneration.
In addition to his university career, Stefan Nehrer works at the University Hospital Krems at the or-thopedic department, with a focus on sports orthopedics and cartilage surgery. His scientific work includes clinical and experimental research as well as lecturing at numerous national and international conferences and events.
His experience in medicine, as well as in the university field, is not only incorporated in his numerous publications, but also in his ongoing scientific projects. Prof. Nehrer published more than 150 peer- reviewed articles in medical journals as well as numerous other articles during his clinical career.
Nehrer is currently the UEMS and EFORT delegate responsible for the European affairs of the Austri-an Society of Orthopedics (ÖGO) and has been Honorary Fellow of the ICRS (International Cartilage Regeneration and Joint Preservation Society) since 2011.