Lars Arendt-Nielsen

Aalborg University & Aalborg University Hospital
Lars Arendt-Nielsen, head of research, professor, dr med, ph d, Aalborg University, Denmark and Aalborg University Hospital.
Received his degree in medical sciences, Aalborg University in 1983, Ph.D. degree in 1987, and Doctor of Medicine degree in 1994.
He has published 1,346 peer reviewed journal papers (sum of times cited 49,803, H-index 106, Web of Science). Published on pain mechanisms, assessment of pain, new pain diagnostic methods, prediction of outcome after e.g. joint replacement, OA related pain biomarkers, epigenetics.
Has completed more than 60 Ph.D. students. Been guest professor in Japan, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, and USA.
Received more than 20 national and international honors and knighted by the Danish Queen. Elected President-Elect of IASP, served as president from 2018-2020, and serve as immediate past-president from 2020-2022.