Kent C. Kwoh

University of Arizona
C. Kent Kwoh is the Charles A.L. and Suzanne M. Stephens Chair of Rheumatology, Professor of Medicine and Medical Imaging, and Director of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Tucson. A recipient of NIH funding since 1989, he was one of the original site PI’s for the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI). Dr. Kwoh and his collaborators have had a longstanding interest in the epidemiology of and outcome assessment in osteoarthritis, promoting equity in the management of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, and the identification of new targets for the prevention and management of knee OA. His major research contributions include the earlier detection of OA onset and/or progression using MRI imaging biomarkers, the characterization of knee pain location and patterns, the identification of imaging biomarkers of knee pain, and the identification of modifiable determinants to reduce/eliminate disparities in the utilization of joint replacement and other treatment options for osteoarthritis.