Anne-Marie Malfait

Rush University Medical Center
Anne-Marie Malfait, MD PhD, is Professor of Internal Medicine and The Klaus E. Kuettner, PhD, Chair of Osteoarthritis Research at Rush University in Chicago IL. Before establishing her research lab, she spent 10 years as PI in the pharmaceutical industry, focused on developing disease modifying drugs for OA. Her team at Rush studies the neurobiology of joints in osteoarthritis and other rheumatic diseases, using a multi-disciplinary approach. Anne-Marie is Director of the NIAMS-funded Chicago Center for Musculoskeletal Pain (C-COMP), and PI of a Rejoin consortium (a Heal initiative aimed at mapping knee innervation). She is Editor-in-Chief of Osteoarthritis and Cartilage (co-editor with Dr. David Hunter, Sydney). Anne-Marie has published more than 130 peer reviewed papers and chapters, and is passionate about mentoring junior investigators in the field.